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Religion: Changing Times

21st June 2016 | Posted in Mens & Prints, Patterns & Colours by H. Simpson

Once upon a time, Religion's clothing collections consisted of graphic printed tees, usually adorned with scantily-clad female models and unusual quirky designs. This was a huge trend at the time, which influenced new pop-up brands to form their own collections. While a few of those styles still remain, it's fair to say that Religion has moved with the times and is a brand that listens to it's diverse audience, adapting to change.

Originally formed as a t-shirt brand, Religion soon grew to develop into a men and women's fashion brand that designed all forms of clothing. The dark and quirky designs led Religion to the forefront of the high street fashion world and sat nicely against similar brands such as All Saints. Soon after, Religion began displaying those signature female model prints to the front of their t-shirt designs and were once again at the top of their game. Today, Religion is once again having a style change!

New and innovative brands such as Sik Silk, 11 Degrees, Illusive and Nicce have popped up and with the help of social media and various reality TV stars, the brand's simple yet affordable tees have gone down a storm on the High Street. Featuring a combination of unusual washes, bold branding, tie dye prints and even a hint of floral, the young, urban brands have formed a new style in the current 'throw-away fashion' trend. With Religion being the original front-liners with their quirky spin on the classic t-shirt design, it's no wonder the brand have changed their concept and ideas to develop with the ever-changing fashion world. 

The following styles are just a hand-picked selection of some of the latest S/S'16 Religion collection of which are the most popular and include features such as a detailed neckline, the use of colour-block, unusual washes, head-turning prints and an assymetric hemline. Shop the full Religion collection here.




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