This is England returns with another highly anticipated series this Sunday. The British social realism film proved such a hit, focusing on hard-hitting issues, that thee mini series with four spin-off episodes were created by writer Shane Meadows. With the final series debuting tonight, lets recap on those pervious installments of the last few years...
This Is England
The cult film that started it all off! Set in '83, when the skinhead movement played a large part in society, the story focuses on a 'lost' 12 year old Shaun who finds solace in the company of an elder skinhead gang led by a kind hearted Woody, who takes him under his wing. The film portrays the ideals of the subculture when political issues led to a socialist divide and a search for more 'freedom' and an assertion of power. Violence, turmoil and some light hearted comedy entail, with the underlining theme of the film being all about racial divides within society, whilst witnessing a whole lot of growing up from Shaun.
With this skinhead era came a new wave of fashion. Brands such as Fred Perry, Ben Sherman and Dr Martens became the epitomy of cool and were seen sported on many an individual including the characters from the film.
This Is England '86
Following on from the success of the film, This is England '86 was commissioned by Channel 4 as part of a multi series and continued the story of these characters. Set three years later, when trends now focused on the mod revival, the story picks up where the film left off - delving even deeper and darker into issues such as abuse, rape and betrayal. The central character of the series is Lol; Woody's long time girlfriend who has suffered years of abuse at the hands of her father, and struggling to come to terms with this, then feels neglected by Woody himself. This shift in the relationship causes her to cheat with his mate best Milky, with the episode finishing with Lol killing her father after he rapes her best friend. Combo; a central character from the original film, takes the rap for this having always been in love with Lol.
This Is England '88
Another gritty installment from Meadows, once again focusing on the character Lol who has now given birth to Milky's baby, Woody too is having a hard time and tensions arise between himself and Milky. Not wanting to take sides, the group try to carry on as normal, however Lol fails to cope and attempts suicide, leading her back into the arms of her beloved Woody.
This Is England '90
This series is going to be something a little different to what we're used to. Set in 1990, when a shift in culture meant that the era had taken a drastic spin - concerning general attitudes, morals and fashion. This was the year that saw the rave scene dominate the younger generation with it's wild drug use and 'free spirit', becoming what turned out to be the 'second summer of love'. You'll see a massive change in the fashion choices with bright colours, baggy tops and some retro Adidas Originals thrown in there.
The new series focuses on drug problems, the drifting apart of friendships and this time - more Shaun! Lol and Woody now have a baby of their own and are now in a happy place, but it's now Lol's sister Kelly who develops a problem - with drugs. It's this level of realism that has kept it's audience captivated, forming a connection with the characters portrayed. This is the last installment of the award-winning drama, however Meadows isn't ruling anything out. Here's to hoping!
This Is England '90 returns to our screens Sunday at 9.00pm on Channel 4.
Fred Perry
Dr Martens
Ben Sherman
Adidas Originals