We fly at 10:30 at night and I'm hoping we get there in time for the Calvin Harris set! I plan to run!
But I've just been reminded that Ibiza is like 2 hours ahead of us so looks like we'll be missing out tonight!
I wonder if anyone's up for just going to the West-end if this doesn't happen, hmm depends what time we arrive at the hotel. I'm finishing work soon and I'm now counting down the hours till I go. There's siz of us and everyone's getting picked up from mine at 6.30 but I don't finish work till 5 and still need to pack so gonna be stressed! The hotel is 2* and the reviews are horrendous so lets see what tonight brings...
Day 1 We arrive at 2.30am and its just too much hassle going al the way back out to Amnesia which is half an hour away so we decide to go out to the West-end instead. Later on we get some food where we meet some people from our hotel. We decide to go buy some Kopperburgs and hang round on their balcony. By this time its morning and the obvious thing to do is go get our bikinis on and get down the beach. I lay down on the bed for no longer than 10 minutes and wake up to my friend pouring Heineken all over my face! So we're on the beach for the day, we should be more tired than we actually are but we're not, we're just too excited, especially for tonight as its Afrojack at Ushuaia- my fave! Ushuaia is in Ibiza town and we have to get two buses to get there, a right pain and everyone's moaning! We get to Ushuaia and its a big exclusive hotel for the rich (prices start from £400 a night). Its already started when we get there but Afrojack hasn't come on yet. We head straight to the bar and one drink is 18 euros! Great! We're then squashed in like sardines with everyone jumping around to Quintino whose currently playing and my friend gets annoyed and demands we stand elsewhere by the side of the stage. The view is better here and we have more space. Out of nowhere a man approaches us and tells us to hold our wrists out, he is taking us to VIP. Wristbands in tact and not knowing what to expect, we follow him accordingly through the crowd till we reach the VIP section in the middle. Not only does he take us through here but then through another section of bouncers what other VIPs can't go in and we have our very own VVIP section! This is the best section in the crowd and as if that wasn't enough to make us buzz, they then bring out a big bottle of Ciroc vodka on ice with a big selection of mixers and our very own waiter who rushes over to fill our glasses up every time we finish our last swag! My friend spots the price tag on the vodka-1300 Euros its meant to be! Everyone is staring at us wondering who we are and they're taking photos and videos of us! We even get to use the VIP toilets! Afrojack comes on and he lives up to expectations and more- amazing! Don't think any of us could be any happier right now jumping around but then our mate goes too far dancing on the table and gets kicked out! A man from the crowd gestures me over and tells me he has a private suite there with a DJ booth and is inviting us all to come. He's from New York and quite slimy! I say yes maybe so that he goes away. We're then invited to the proper after party up at Ushuaia Towers and given an invitation. As if that wasn't enough we then get guestlist for the rest of the week for ten people! Towards the end, much to my horror New York slimeball is suddenly behind me and somehow got into our VVIP section and trying to dance with me argh! He tells me he's gone and upgraded his room so its even bigger for the party. I wriggle out of his clutches and tell him we've got to go look for our friend and dash off! Its midnight and the night at Ushuaia is finished, we decide against the after party only because we already have tickets for Judgement Fridays at Eden. Drinks are 16 Euros and since we've basically had a free night, we treat ourselves to quite a few! Judge Jules is good but Showtek is even better. We stay till half 4 and call it a night. Not bad for our first day!
Day 2 Its beach time again when we wake up, there's no chance of a lie in when you go with my friends! Theres no one playing tonight that takes our fancy, just Skream at DC10 but we decide to ditch this and save some money for the ones we wanna see the most. We head for the West-end once again for a cheap night before all the massive ones. I'm not a huge fan of going out in the West-end but we find some decent House bars and it ends up being quite good. The West-end closes at 6am so we stay out till then - maybe not so cheap after all!
Day 3 Tonight's a big night- its Avicii. Then Fatboy Slim. We're all knackered but we've got to soldier on! As we've bought our tickets on the beach, we've got to go to certain places at certain times-annoying, wouldn't do that again. We get ready early and go to KFC to line our stomachs. Next door is Linekers and we've got to meet there at 4.30. We get on a bus to a bar called Tantra with everyone else that's got these tickets. We've got a free bar for 3 hours here so its not that bad I suppose but at this moment in time we are feeling horrendous! We're forcing sips from our drinks and all we really wanna do is go home to bed. Its stupidly hot today as well which doesn't help. Tantra is opposite Ushuaia which is where Avicii is playing so we head across the road. Its even more busy than Afrojack was and we're immediately squashed and have to move to find a decent spot. A lad walks past carrying a handful of water bottles and someone shouts 'Hey waterboy!', well can you imagine our luck when he returns five minutes later to ask if we want to come up to his apartment and onto his balcony-he has a front view! Erm yes we do is the answer and we go past a bouncer who nods us through. Through the door of the plush apartment its all modern and white and the two lads are joined by a host of pretty young girls on the balcony. They immediately rush over being friendly to us and tell us they're from New York and are friends with the lads but couldn't ever afford to stay here themselves so the lads are paying for them- okay slightly weird and we start to get a bit paranoid when the girls tell us to take our shoes off and put all our bags in the corner as well as being slightly touchy feely with us giving us massages when we're dancing and grinding up and down us-whats that all about? Are we being naive? They're giving us as much free drink as we want as well as being offered other stuff! But the lads aren't slimy in the slightest and are just having fun watching Avicii with us-who is just as amazing as the other night. Jumping up and down on the balcony, people are looking up taking pictures again! The girls get a little weirder though and start kissing each other-what the hell, we're all looking at each other with WTF faces! Trying to ignore this and concentrate on the music, the girls get stranger and go in the room shutting the french doors behind them and proceeding to lay down on the floor. Righhht! We come to the conclusion that these girls must be prostitutes that the lads have brought with them. Fair enough. At midnight Avicii has finished and being on the balcony watching has been unreal once again, we joke that next time we'll go even further and end up on stage... Time for Space now though where Fatboy Slim is playing. These lot come with us and the girls only get even wierder kissing and dancing provocatively in front of all the lads- we hope no one thinks we're with them! We're right up near the speakers and can see Fatboy Slim playing in his booth. My friend gets her phone stolen in the club and then my other friend catches two girls attempting to take her phone out of her bag too and confronts them. One of the negative things about the night but its been one of the best nights and half of us decide to go at half 5 while the others want to stay till 8am. We exchange numbers with the New Yorkers and get the long bus journey home.
Day 4 We don't make it to the beach today, we're all too tired and once again we've got a big night ahead. Tonight its F*uck Me I'm Famous with David Guetta, Nervo and Nicky Romero- how ace is that lineup? Once again its at Ushuaia but we're a man down as my friend can't even get out of bed, must be bad! We get there a bit late and miss Nervo! Nooo! This time, our New York balcony friends don't ask us up and instead one comes down to see us and says they have swapped apartments and this one is smaller and can't fit us all up there. Strange. But we can one at a time apparently. I decide not to go, bit weird, but my friend does and she comes back 10 minutes later freaked out saying that the girls went and got naked and were sliding about in the shower together and one of the lads said 'looks fun shall we join them?' she made a quick escape then! Later on one of them comes down to find us again apologising for what had happened and said its all just b*llshit and not real. He tells us they had noticed tension between us and the other girls and that's why they didn't have us up but that he'll take us to Privilege after for Armin Van Buuren and pay VIP so goes off to reception to see how much it'll be. He returns a bit after saying its too much- 1500 euros. David Guetta is better than I expected, I like him but at a festival I'm not too fussed about seeing him but he turned all his songs a bit harder and had a hard bassline which made it even better! A woman walks past a couple of times with minders by her side and I notice its Donatella Versace. Near where we were stood, there was a giant cluster of pink and purple balloons and towards the end a ballerina girl is lifted into the air over the crowd performing acrobats of all kinds. Even though we want to stay out longer, we decide not to as everyone's running out of money and we have a big night once again tomorrow.
Day 5 It was mega hot today and seeing as we had an earlyish night last night we go to the beach nice and early. Tonight is Carl Cox at Space. I really like Space there's loads of different rooms, even the smoking area room is hip hop music, house rooms, VIP rooms...the main room is where's best though. We've got one of those annoying packages again so we've got to meet at 9 at a bar in the bay called Active Bar. Its tiny but its a free bar again for two hours so we get our moneys worth. Back on the bus to Space (annoying, I'd definitely stay in Ibiza town next year, its where nearly all the superclubs are; only Eden and Es Paradis are in San Antonio) we decide to get some Rekorderligs from the shop and go to Bora Bora Beach where theres a free beach party to save money but when we've bought these, we randomly see on our tickets that they're only valid before 12??? We down our cans and rush over, dreading being turned away as no one has the money to buy another ticket at 55 euros! But alas we are in! Straight to the main room its not long before he's on and I notice Carl Cox must have a big gay following as the majority of people there are and not a lot of English either. Its so squashed in the middle you can hardly move and even worse when a giant robot walks out into the crowd! Me and my friend lose everyone and its just me and her, we even get asked if we're a couple! Its so sweaty everyone's walking around off their face and sweat all over them. But the musics good and me and my friend decide to stay till the end- 8am. Its going to be a tiring one but its nearly the end of our holiday! We literally don't stop dancing and find a spot at the side. This man comes over and asks us to come up the stairs to VIP which is actually the stage, erm yes!! We're dancing around the DJ booth he's in and literally cannot wipe the smile off our faces! My friend captures a 20 minute video of his set stood behind him and he turns around to all of us waving then comes out his box and walks right past us! All you can hear on the end of the video is me n my friend 'hes coming out, hes coming!!' We get handed an invite for the after party which is at a private villa with a swimming pool. It may be boring but we opt instead for the Spar shop, get a drink and some crisps and get our two buses back to our hotel for sleep time! On the bus back there's some Spanish lads who can barely speak any English and the rest of the bus journey home consists of exchanging random vocabulary like paella?! We get home at 10am when everyone's on the beach and round the pool.
Day 6 We had originally wanted to do this particular week in Ibiza as Red Light were playing at Ibiza Rocks Hotel on this night, but some have ran out of money so no one knows what to do. Someone suggests we just get dressed up and go for a nice meal, erm not happening, its our last night! People start to get a bit mardy and its decided we'll get ready really fast and go to Ushuaia with our guestlist so its free for Departures which is Sebastian Ingrosso, Axwell, Otto Knows and Alesso - OMG what a lineup! Thing is what do we do when we get there, people don't have the money for 18 euro drinks to get drunk and we have to be in before 6.30! Me and my friend go get a slice of pizza to eat from near the egg and I come up with a great idea of running along the beach for free Zoo Project wristbands! We find someone who rings his mate and gives us six. The Zoo Project is just a short distance away so we've got plenty of time and go across the road to get painted. I opt for glitter on my face and arm, others have leopard print, snake print or feathers. Once done we get a taxi to Zoo which is just 7 euros and its set up like an enchanted garden. Its in an abandoned zoo and they have kept all the zoo features such as the seating and where shows would take place. This finished too early though and at midnight it was time to go. Not wanting to waste our last night and with no money, we headed to the West-end.
Day 7 Our last day and check out was at 12pm so we packed and shoved our bags in a room. Today we all felt very rough, we went on the beach and I just basically slept the whole time. I felt better when I woke up and it was time to head back. We had too much time to waste as we weren't getting picked up till midnight so we made use of our all inclusive and had tea and sat around drinking. The hotel was no way near as bad as I expected, yes there was a lot of noise at night and in the morning and people felt the need to bang down the doors if no one answered after the first knock. There was sick on the stairs after nights out and one night there was blood down our corridor and what sounded like a bed being thrown off the balcony...but apart from that it was fine for a cheapo hotel and the food was fine too.
Day 1 We arrive at 2.30am and its just too much hassle going al the way back out to Amnesia which is half an hour away so we decide to go out to the West-end instead. Later on we get some food where we meet some people from our hotel. We decide to go buy some Kopperburgs and hang round on their balcony. By this time its morning and the obvious thing to do is go get our bikinis on and get down the beach. I lay down on the bed for no longer than 10 minutes and wake up to my friend pouring Heineken all over my face! So we're on the beach for the day, we should be more tired than we actually are but we're not, we're just too excited, especially for tonight as its Afrojack at Ushuaia- my fave! Ushuaia is in Ibiza town and we have to get two buses to get there, a right pain and everyone's moaning! We get to Ushuaia and its a big exclusive hotel for the rich (prices start from £400 a night). Its already started when we get there but Afrojack hasn't come on yet. We head straight to the bar and one drink is 18 euros! Great! We're then squashed in like sardines with everyone jumping around to Quintino whose currently playing and my friend gets annoyed and demands we stand elsewhere by the side of the stage. The view is better here and we have more space. Out of nowhere a man approaches us and tells us to hold our wrists out, he is taking us to VIP. Wristbands in tact and not knowing what to expect, we follow him accordingly through the crowd till we reach the VIP section in the middle. Not only does he take us through here but then through another section of bouncers what other VIPs can't go in and we have our very own VVIP section! This is the best section in the crowd and as if that wasn't enough to make us buzz, they then bring out a big bottle of Ciroc vodka on ice with a big selection of mixers and our very own waiter who rushes over to fill our glasses up every time we finish our last swag! My friend spots the price tag on the vodka-1300 Euros its meant to be! Everyone is staring at us wondering who we are and they're taking photos and videos of us! We even get to use the VIP toilets! Afrojack comes on and he lives up to expectations and more- amazing! Don't think any of us could be any happier right now jumping around but then our mate goes too far dancing on the table and gets kicked out! A man from the crowd gestures me over and tells me he has a private suite there with a DJ booth and is inviting us all to come. He's from New York and quite slimy! I say yes maybe so that he goes away. We're then invited to the proper after party up at Ushuaia Towers and given an invitation. As if that wasn't enough we then get guestlist for the rest of the week for ten people! Towards the end, much to my horror New York slimeball is suddenly behind me and somehow got into our VVIP section and trying to dance with me argh! He tells me he's gone and upgraded his room so its even bigger for the party. I wriggle out of his clutches and tell him we've got to go look for our friend and dash off! Its midnight and the night at Ushuaia is finished, we decide against the after party only because we already have tickets for Judgement Fridays at Eden. Drinks are 16 Euros and since we've basically had a free night, we treat ourselves to quite a few! Judge Jules is good but Showtek is even better. We stay till half 4 and call it a night. Not bad for our first day!

Day 2 Its beach time again when we wake up, there's no chance of a lie in when you go with my friends! Theres no one playing tonight that takes our fancy, just Skream at DC10 but we decide to ditch this and save some money for the ones we wanna see the most. We head for the West-end once again for a cheap night before all the massive ones. I'm not a huge fan of going out in the West-end but we find some decent House bars and it ends up being quite good. The West-end closes at 6am so we stay out till then - maybe not so cheap after all!

Day 3 Tonight's a big night- its Avicii. Then Fatboy Slim. We're all knackered but we've got to soldier on! As we've bought our tickets on the beach, we've got to go to certain places at certain times-annoying, wouldn't do that again. We get ready early and go to KFC to line our stomachs. Next door is Linekers and we've got to meet there at 4.30. We get on a bus to a bar called Tantra with everyone else that's got these tickets. We've got a free bar for 3 hours here so its not that bad I suppose but at this moment in time we are feeling horrendous! We're forcing sips from our drinks and all we really wanna do is go home to bed. Its stupidly hot today as well which doesn't help. Tantra is opposite Ushuaia which is where Avicii is playing so we head across the road. Its even more busy than Afrojack was and we're immediately squashed and have to move to find a decent spot. A lad walks past carrying a handful of water bottles and someone shouts 'Hey waterboy!', well can you imagine our luck when he returns five minutes later to ask if we want to come up to his apartment and onto his balcony-he has a front view! Erm yes we do is the answer and we go past a bouncer who nods us through. Through the door of the plush apartment its all modern and white and the two lads are joined by a host of pretty young girls on the balcony. They immediately rush over being friendly to us and tell us they're from New York and are friends with the lads but couldn't ever afford to stay here themselves so the lads are paying for them- okay slightly weird and we start to get a bit paranoid when the girls tell us to take our shoes off and put all our bags in the corner as well as being slightly touchy feely with us giving us massages when we're dancing and grinding up and down us-whats that all about? Are we being naive? They're giving us as much free drink as we want as well as being offered other stuff! But the lads aren't slimy in the slightest and are just having fun watching Avicii with us-who is just as amazing as the other night. Jumping up and down on the balcony, people are looking up taking pictures again! The girls get a little weirder though and start kissing each other-what the hell, we're all looking at each other with WTF faces! Trying to ignore this and concentrate on the music, the girls get stranger and go in the room shutting the french doors behind them and proceeding to lay down on the floor. Righhht! We come to the conclusion that these girls must be prostitutes that the lads have brought with them. Fair enough. At midnight Avicii has finished and being on the balcony watching has been unreal once again, we joke that next time we'll go even further and end up on stage... Time for Space now though where Fatboy Slim is playing. These lot come with us and the girls only get even wierder kissing and dancing provocatively in front of all the lads- we hope no one thinks we're with them! We're right up near the speakers and can see Fatboy Slim playing in his booth. My friend gets her phone stolen in the club and then my other friend catches two girls attempting to take her phone out of her bag too and confronts them. One of the negative things about the night but its been one of the best nights and half of us decide to go at half 5 while the others want to stay till 8am. We exchange numbers with the New Yorkers and get the long bus journey home.

Day 4 We don't make it to the beach today, we're all too tired and once again we've got a big night ahead. Tonight its F*uck Me I'm Famous with David Guetta, Nervo and Nicky Romero- how ace is that lineup? Once again its at Ushuaia but we're a man down as my friend can't even get out of bed, must be bad! We get there a bit late and miss Nervo! Nooo! This time, our New York balcony friends don't ask us up and instead one comes down to see us and says they have swapped apartments and this one is smaller and can't fit us all up there. Strange. But we can one at a time apparently. I decide not to go, bit weird, but my friend does and she comes back 10 minutes later freaked out saying that the girls went and got naked and were sliding about in the shower together and one of the lads said 'looks fun shall we join them?' she made a quick escape then! Later on one of them comes down to find us again apologising for what had happened and said its all just b*llshit and not real. He tells us they had noticed tension between us and the other girls and that's why they didn't have us up but that he'll take us to Privilege after for Armin Van Buuren and pay VIP so goes off to reception to see how much it'll be. He returns a bit after saying its too much- 1500 euros. David Guetta is better than I expected, I like him but at a festival I'm not too fussed about seeing him but he turned all his songs a bit harder and had a hard bassline which made it even better! A woman walks past a couple of times with minders by her side and I notice its Donatella Versace. Near where we were stood, there was a giant cluster of pink and purple balloons and towards the end a ballerina girl is lifted into the air over the crowd performing acrobats of all kinds. Even though we want to stay out longer, we decide not to as everyone's running out of money and we have a big night once again tomorrow.

Day 5 It was mega hot today and seeing as we had an earlyish night last night we go to the beach nice and early. Tonight is Carl Cox at Space. I really like Space there's loads of different rooms, even the smoking area room is hip hop music, house rooms, VIP rooms...the main room is where's best though. We've got one of those annoying packages again so we've got to meet at 9 at a bar in the bay called Active Bar. Its tiny but its a free bar again for two hours so we get our moneys worth. Back on the bus to Space (annoying, I'd definitely stay in Ibiza town next year, its where nearly all the superclubs are; only Eden and Es Paradis are in San Antonio) we decide to get some Rekorderligs from the shop and go to Bora Bora Beach where theres a free beach party to save money but when we've bought these, we randomly see on our tickets that they're only valid before 12??? We down our cans and rush over, dreading being turned away as no one has the money to buy another ticket at 55 euros! But alas we are in! Straight to the main room its not long before he's on and I notice Carl Cox must have a big gay following as the majority of people there are and not a lot of English either. Its so squashed in the middle you can hardly move and even worse when a giant robot walks out into the crowd! Me and my friend lose everyone and its just me and her, we even get asked if we're a couple! Its so sweaty everyone's walking around off their face and sweat all over them. But the musics good and me and my friend decide to stay till the end- 8am. Its going to be a tiring one but its nearly the end of our holiday! We literally don't stop dancing and find a spot at the side. This man comes over and asks us to come up the stairs to VIP which is actually the stage, erm yes!! We're dancing around the DJ booth he's in and literally cannot wipe the smile off our faces! My friend captures a 20 minute video of his set stood behind him and he turns around to all of us waving then comes out his box and walks right past us! All you can hear on the end of the video is me n my friend 'hes coming out, hes coming!!' We get handed an invite for the after party which is at a private villa with a swimming pool. It may be boring but we opt instead for the Spar shop, get a drink and some crisps and get our two buses back to our hotel for sleep time! On the bus back there's some Spanish lads who can barely speak any English and the rest of the bus journey home consists of exchanging random vocabulary like paella?! We get home at 10am when everyone's on the beach and round the pool.

Day 6 We had originally wanted to do this particular week in Ibiza as Red Light were playing at Ibiza Rocks Hotel on this night, but some have ran out of money so no one knows what to do. Someone suggests we just get dressed up and go for a nice meal, erm not happening, its our last night! People start to get a bit mardy and its decided we'll get ready really fast and go to Ushuaia with our guestlist so its free for Departures which is Sebastian Ingrosso, Axwell, Otto Knows and Alesso - OMG what a lineup! Thing is what do we do when we get there, people don't have the money for 18 euro drinks to get drunk and we have to be in before 6.30! Me and my friend go get a slice of pizza to eat from near the egg and I come up with a great idea of running along the beach for free Zoo Project wristbands! We find someone who rings his mate and gives us six. The Zoo Project is just a short distance away so we've got plenty of time and go across the road to get painted. I opt for glitter on my face and arm, others have leopard print, snake print or feathers. Once done we get a taxi to Zoo which is just 7 euros and its set up like an enchanted garden. Its in an abandoned zoo and they have kept all the zoo features such as the seating and where shows would take place. This finished too early though and at midnight it was time to go. Not wanting to waste our last night and with no money, we headed to the West-end.

Day 7 Our last day and check out was at 12pm so we packed and shoved our bags in a room. Today we all felt very rough, we went on the beach and I just basically slept the whole time. I felt better when I woke up and it was time to head back. We had too much time to waste as we weren't getting picked up till midnight so we made use of our all inclusive and had tea and sat around drinking. The hotel was no way near as bad as I expected, yes there was a lot of noise at night and in the morning and people felt the need to bang down the doors if no one answered after the first knock. There was sick on the stairs after nights out and one night there was blood down our corridor and what sounded like a bed being thrown off the balcony...but apart from that it was fine for a cheapo hotel and the food was fine too.