Hangover Cures
23rd July 2013 | Posted in Food and Drink by H. Simpson
I get the worst hangovers every weekend. Ones where I literally cannot move! I've tried everything in the book and nothing has seemed to work. I've even tried drinking different drinks that I wouldn't normally-no such luck though. Though I will say that some alcohol gives you more of a hangover than others. The one that makes me the worst is Sambuca! Even if I've only had one, it makes that hangover just that little bit worse the next day so I tend to steer clear of it, even if I'm bought it I'll sneakily give it to a randomer!
Obviously I haven't tried all suggested cures, some I don't even want to attempt! Here are a few of my favourites I've found from around the world:
Netherlands: Hair of the dog. This is probably the most effective I've come across too.
Ireland: Full Irish breakfast which is a little like ours but with bacon, sausages, eggs, vegetables and
potato all fried in creamy butter
UK: Full English
To the extreme:
Poland/Russia:Pickle juice from the jar Mongolia: Pickled Sheep eyeballs in tomato juice. What's with the pickled stuff?! Turkey: On toasted bread...lamb intestines, chopped tomato, thyme and pepper. Wonder if this still works without the intestines?? Korea: A soup consisting of ox blood, cabbage, cow bones, pork spine and vegetables. Stay away from Caffeine though as it makes you more dehydrated. In Italy their favourite cure is an espresso weirdly!The ones that stand out though which are the most popular in terms of what I've found when researching and tips people have given me are:
Berocca: Quite expensive and never worked for me but I know someone that swears by it. I tried taking one dissolved in some juice before I went out and then one the next day. Bananas: Heard this one many a time due to the amount of potassium that's in a banana becasuse as we drink we're losing all of ours! Herbal Teas: In particular peppermint, camomile and green. In China they swear by green as a hangover cure. I just can't get past the taste of the washing up liquid taste! Ginger: I've also heard this is meant to stop motion sickness as well so I see a link here. In Canada, ginger ale is really popular to settle the stomach on a hangover. Alibi Drink: I can't remember where I first saw this advertised but I got it once as it was meant to contain hangover deflecting ingredients. I admit it did make me feel better when I had a mild hangover. They're quite expensive though and I don't see them anywhere! I was really disappointed with this so can you imagine my luck when I saw it at a random service station once coming back from Devon. I stocked up on loads and that kept me going for a while but I haven't seen any since. Sauerkraut: I have seen this mentioned so many times. People really do swear by it and so many people have said that its worked in the most extreme cases. I'm yet to try this, particularly because it'll be disgusting so I'm going make a sauerkraut soup which won't be half as bad and hey if it works, its worth the suffering of eating something so horrible!
Sauerkraut Soup